Minneapolis Morning Tribune Feb. 27, 1945 TOKYO AIR RAID DAMAGE FILMED Bombs Drop Near Hirohito's Palace WASHINGTON (U.P.) Tokyo radio reported that two B-29 Superfortress bombers flew over the Tokyo area Monday, presumably to photograph results of Sunday's twin blow against the capital area by 200 Superfortresses and more than 1,000 carrier planes. The enemy said one plane dropped bombs in the vicinity of Tokyo. The other flew over the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan district and adjacent areas earlier in the evening without bombing. There was no indication from Japanese or American sources that the raiders had struck in force a second day.
A bulletin from Tenth air, force headquarters announced that the huge fleet of Superforts met no opposition Sunday but because of bad weather, results of the attack could not be ascertained. Tokyo radio reported that Premier Gen. Kuniaki Koiso went to the imperial palace and formally apologized to Emperor Hirohito on behalf of his cabinet for the damage done to imperial property. Japanese broadcasts said bombs fell near the imperial palace grounds and near the palace of Hirohito's mother. STASSEN TO SEE DEWEY TONIGHT Comm.
Harold E. Stassen, chosen by President Roosevelt as a Republican delegate to the world security organization conference at San Francisco April 25, will confer with Gov. Thomas E. Dewey In Albany, N. Tuesday night.
Associated Press said the two potential rivals for the 1948 presidential nomination 1 are expected to discuss the forthcoming conference, and quoted an authoritative source as saying Stassen originally merely had wired Dewey he would pass through Albany. Dewey then invited Stassen to spend the night. OPA Withdraws 8 Chain Store Suits The OPA announced Monday night it has withdrawn injunction suits against eight national chain store companies. The suits alleged violation of price regulations on women's and children's clothing. The firms are W.
T. Grant H. L. Green J. C.
Penney F. W. Woolworth Montgomery Ward G. C. Murphy J.
J. Newberry and McCrory stores. The emergency court of appeals held the companies were not subject to penalties. France to Attend LONDON (NS -A semi-official spokesman of the French foreign office said Tuesday that French participation in the forthcoming United Nations conference in San Francisco "can be considered assured." Army Glider Troops to Give Combat Landing Show Today Public demonstration of army gliders and glider tacbe given at WoldChamberlain air field Tuesday at 2 p.m., with air force veterans of the troop carrier command flying the tow planes, supply ships and gliders. Northwest Aeronautical hangar grounds on Thirty-fourth avenue south of the administration building, will be open to those who desire to witness the demonstration.
It will include a conventional tow of a CG-4A loaded with a jeep and six airborne soldiers. The glider will make a combat landing and unload the jeep and personnel within 40 seconds. The ground force will then be resupplied from a C-47 "belt conveyor," through use of multicolored parachutes, each color designating a different supply item. There will also be two glider pickups by C-46 tow ships. Brig.
Gen. William D. Old, commanding general of the troop carrier command, Stout field, Indianapolis, will attend the demonstration, which is one of nine to be put on in the country. RED LIPS CRIME? GO EASY, SENATOR NASHVILLE, Divorces are flourishing "hecause of the evils of the use of lipstick," Sen. Hubert Brooks told the Tennessee legislature Monday as he introduced a bill to make use of the cosmetic a felony.
"Marrled men of Tennessee are being condemned by their wives whenever they come home with lipstick on their collars and shirts," explained the solon, proposing penalties of from one to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000 for lipstick wearers. The bill, Brooks added, "is no sillier than lots of others that have been introduced up here." But he grinned and indicated it would never be brought to a vote." DEFERMENT PLAN FRAMED BY WLB -War production board Monday outlined a program to save the most essential young men in the most vital war industries from being drafted. War industries will submit lists of occupationally-deferred1 men in the 18-29 age group. Then, WPB will decide which ones are so important they should be deferred. The rest will be up to local draft boards.
The idea Is to prevent the drafting of what WPB called the "vital hard core" of war workers. WPB hopes to get deferments for 200.000 of the 780.000 workers 18 through 29 who now are classified 2-A and 2-B. WPB will weigh the value of workers only in industries for which it is the manpower claimant agency, including makers of steel, aluminum, tires and components of important munitions. The program was announced two days after selective service ordered local draft boards to start inducting a large number of the deferred men in the 30-33 age group. Ancient Burmese Town Captured CALCUTTA CA.) British Fourteenth army troops have made their fifth crossing of the Irrawaddy river, capturing the Burmese city of Pagan, 96 miles southwest of the Japanese citadel of Mandalay.
The new success in crossing the swift river set the stage for a possible two-pronged drive on central Burma's rich oil fields. The first troops ashore on the east bank drove quickly into Pagan, a port town founded in 847 A.D. and ancient seat of Burmese kings. SANITONE CLEANERS 26 Days More Dry Before Cleaning EASTER 1 Day Service Is Back Again For Your Dry Cleaning Convenience CASH AND CARRY SAVE THE DIFFERENCE 13 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS EL ITTY ZOPHER STORES Mild But Oh So Effective 'All Vegetable' Laxative! Physician's Own Formula Acts Now! on Both Upper throw and Lower Bowels! harsh "Never let and blasting formula enjoy which laxatives this for works Physician's 50 constipation gently own the You can away second vet Olive so Tablets. thoroughly-Dr.
Edwards' day go by Olive Tablets are purely vegetable they don't 'dynamite', soft, comfortable- such complete gripe or leave you feeling dragged satisfaction! out. Instead, they pep up sluggish So if you suffer from constipabile flow. They gently stimulate tion take one or two tiny Olive BOTH upper and lower bowels and Tablets tonight to feel 'tip-top' produce more natural-like, more tomorrow. Caution: Use as directsatisfactory bowel movements ed: At all drugstores. DR.
dr.edwards' Olive Tablets HOUSING SURVEY TERMED URGENT An immediate search for additional housing in Minneapolis, to provide quarters for critically needed war workers was asked Monday in a resolution passed by Minneapolis war work emergency committee. The committee recommended the survey be conducted by the consumer interest division of the Minneapolis defense council. Committee members said desire for the survey was based on success of one recently completed in St. Paul by Victory aids. First reports in St.
Paul survey showed more than 100 housing units brought on the rental market. War manpower commission's ef. fort to recruit workers from outside the Twin Cities for local "must" plants have been negated in many cases by lack of housing accommodations. DODGE STRIKERS KEEP PLANT IDLE DETROIT-(P)-A strike of approximately 14,000 workers kept the Dodge main plant of Chrysler Corp. idle Monday night and threatened to impair production in a dozen or more other factories of the company in Detroit and Chicago as strikers ignored orders of the war labor board and union officials to return to their jobs.
Halted by the strike was production of parts for B-29 engines, rockets, tanks, anti-aircraft cannon and heavy trucks. At a show cause hearing before the regional war labor board Monday, officials of local 3. United Automobile Workers (CIO), said the men would end the work stoppage if the management rehired eight discharged employes. Three Feared Killed CHICAGO (INS) One man was killed and two others were feared dead in a fire which late Monday destroyed the garage of the Indiana Trailways in Chicago. Damages were set at $75,000.
DEATHS Charles P. Brown, Big Lake, at his home Saturday night. New York buyer for Plymouth Clothing house, former Minneapolis concern, for 25 years, Brown also was associated with Thorpe Minneapolis. He retired to Big Lake three years ago because of ill health. Services at Big Lake Union church, 2 p.m.
Thursday. Dr. Dean Cassius Brown, 62, formerly of Minneapolis, Saturday at his home in Santa Ana, California. His family were pioneers at Minnetonka Mills and Fridley. Burial in Glendale, Calif.
Services were held at Winona Monday for Frank Horton, 73. vice president of the Standard Lumber and former president of the First National Bank of Winona. Horton died Saturday in Winona General hospital from injuries suffered when he slipped on ice a week ago. John O'Connor, 69, president of a shoe firm at Chicago. Enoch J.
Price, 80, Chicago attorney, at Chicago. Hugh A. Brown, 56, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Illinois at Champaign. John Dickie, 67, treasurer of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Pacific railroad.
William H. Maynard, 80. father of Ken and Kermit Maynard, western movie stars, at his home in Columbus, Ind. DON'T JUST SUFFER COLD MISERIES GET MULTIPLE RELIEF RELIEF ONE -Reduce fever. RELIEF TWO -Ease stuffy nose.
RELIEF THREE -Reduce body aches. RELIEF FOUR -Ease muscle pains. RELIEF FIVE- -Lessen headache. Grove's Cold Tablets, like 1 doctor's prescription, are a multiple medicine. A combination of eight active medicinal ingredients especially designed for relief of usual cold mis.
eries. Insist on genuine. COLD GROVE'S TABLETS DO YOU FEEL NERVOUS RESTLESS HIGH On "CERTAIN DAYS" Of The Month? Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, fidgety, cranky, irritable, a bit blue, tired, and "dragged such times? Then start at once try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to releve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound is famous not only to relieve monthly pain but also accompanying weak, tired, nervous, restless feelings of this nature.
Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Taken regularly--this great medicine helps build resistance against such distress. Also a grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. Buy today. LYDIA E.
PINKHAM'S COMPOUND VEGETABLE "Chapel Hymns" LISTEN over WTCH Monday through Friday NEW ENGLAND MARQUETTE AT 8TH ST. TODAY'S DIGEST OF NATION'S NEWS PEPPER OBJECTS An objection from Sen. Pepper Fla.) delayed senate passage of a compromise bill giving the insurance business a three-year moratorium from regulation under federal laws. The houseanti approved legislation came as a substitute for an Sen. Pepper original bill to Sen.
Pepper all federal anti-trust laws. MANN ACT Supreme Court Justice Murphy, majority decision the conviction of Carmen Beach, 30, charged with taking a girl on a four-block taxi ride in Washing. ton for purposes of prostitution, said the Mann act is being abused. He said congress aimed solely at "the pernicious white dissenting from a which left intact Justice Murphy Justice Murphy slave traffic" when It passed the law in 1910, leaving voluntary vice to local laws. RECORD BRIDEGROOMThomas H.
Finigan has taken the marriage vows 30 times before Judge Clark E. Tucker in the Wy. andotte county, court house and has "marriages" lined up for the future. He's official "proxy" bridegroom for overseas service men under Kansas law. WALLACE BOOST -Leon Hen- derson, for OPA director, was chief speaker at a New York rally sponsored by the Union for Democratic Action advocating Henry A.
Wallace's confirmation as secretary of commerce. He declared a "national policy on underwriting full employment would strengthen the American business system where it has tended to weaken." VERBAL 'ROPE Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington nimbly toed a verbal tight rope, parrying news conference queries about birth control without plunging on either side. She stated large families are fine only if each child has enough to eat and decent care.
NURSES HONORED Sixty- eight "Angels of Bataan," nurses who were captives of the Japs and recently released and flown to the United States, were honored at ceremonies at Letterman hospital, San Francisco. Letters of commendation from President Roosevelt and Gen. George C. Marshall were presented to the nurses. FEW GI than 1,000 loans have been made under the lending program of the GI bill of rights, Francis X.
Pavesich, chief of the loan guarantee division of the Veterans' administration, said in Buffalo, N. Y. WAR VICTIM Nations Relief Lehman Lehman AID The United! Administration has voted to make limited emerg. en supplies available to the most devastated districts of France Lumexbourg, The Netherlands and Norw a y. Director General Herbert H.
Lehman, indicated UNRRA hopes to obtain for those areas some supplies now stockpiled in Britain. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau said in Detroit postwar maximum production and employment will require exports of $ and if gress passes the Bretton Woods legislation. world trade will he "freed from restrictive exchange controls and depreciating exchange rates." FOR TAX CHANGES Randolph Paul, former general counsel of the treasury, proposed two changes in the tax laws which he said would aid small businesses: His proposed changes involv-1 ed: speeding up of the carry back provisions of the excess profits tax in order to provide neces. sary funds for reconvers i and an improved Randolph Paul method of offsetting losses by averaging income over the years and extending the carry forward period for losses.
Fifteen thousand priority passengers are winging toward Indianapolis from Los Angeles, All on one naval Air transport service skyliner. They are Swed. ish white mice, to be used to develop a serum for treatment of a serious tropical disease. BIG SHOW Robert Ringling. president of Ringling Brothers-Barnum and Bailey circus, said in Sarasota, that if the jail sentences given six cireus officials as a result of the Hartford, fire last summer, are carried out the show will be unable to fill its summer engagements.
ONLY CASKET BURIED- Robert Ringling Robert Ringling Oscar Harding, son of Mrs. Hattie J. Harding, 82, who died Oct. 7 and whose decomposed body was found with four others in an abandoned funeral home at Binghamton, N. said he attended his mother's funeral last fall and saw a casket, which he believed contained her remains, lowered (into a grave.
LEWIS THREATENS ington opinion was that John L. Lewis would ask a 25-cent raise in the present basic rate of $1 an hour for his United Mine workers after he filed formal notice with the government that a strike of nearly 400.000 000 miners is just around Lewis the corner. The UMW contract with the bituminous operators expires March 31 and negotiations between Lewis and the operators begins Thursday. BRIEF TRAINING Most 18. vear-olds are sent overseas for combat duty less than a year after they are inducted, a war department official said.
He answered a question by Sen. Robert A. Taft Ohio) why Pic. Robert R. Pogue, Cincinnati, was killed in action seven weeks after he was inducted.
GLIDER PILOTS INVITE GOVERNOR Edward J. Thye to attend demonstration of combat glider tactics at Wold-Chamberlain field Tuesday at 2 p.m. Shown with the governor are, left to right, Capt. Fay E. McDonald, pilot of the C-47 "belt conveyor;" Capt.
Edward L. Jett, pilot of the C-47 pickup plane; Flight Officers Joseph D. Stritto, and James F. Simon, overseas veteran glider pilots of Holland, Normandy and southern France landings. HIS GIRLS FELL IN THE WATER River Man for 50 Years Loves the Life He Leads By ROBERT STEVENSON Staff Writer of the For ever 50 years, George "Huckleberry Finn" of the door and in so doing lost four In spite of this he boasts he and true to ancient fable, he has This week celebrating his fiftythird birthday, Scony makes ready his tiny houseboat for spring and summer months and says there will be "no wedding bells for me if I have to give up my life on the water." PAYS ONE DOLLAR YEARLY Scony, as Melowsky is known and down the river, lives in a boxlike house boat at the foot of Washington avenue bridge.
For the vista and privacy he pays one dollar. This enables him to enjoy the luxuries of the river for months. On the twelfth month he gets a new calendar, and pays a new dollar, and life goes on hampered. Born on the Mississippi of parents who were themselves river gypsies in the roaring days when the barges operated freely up and down the river, when there was shore patrol, and a man could quench a thirst, Scony knows every mile of water. Too, he knows when the ice will go, when geese fly high, where wild berries grow and fish are plentiful.
thousand other practical things he knows about the river. Scony's ill-starred romances began in the old Peabody school where he met Opal. It seemed for awhile that she was 10 be the "one woman in his life." until he took her out to hecome acquainted with the Mississippi. Opal fell into the water. Like Huckleberry Finn, Scony disgustedly rebelled against school and took a trip on the river.
has been taking trips and living entirely on the water since. Opal has been forgotten. GEORGE MELOWSKY Four sweethearts fell in river ani WON'T HARM Your Septic Tank No need to wonder about safety of septic tanks when you use SaniFlush- -America's leading toilet bowl cleaner. Conclusive proof of SaniFlush harmlessness to septic tank action comes from a well inGeed Guaranteed by dependent, scientific laboratory. Its Housekeeping report on Sani-Flush is yours -free.
Ask for it. Then you'll use SaniFlush freely as so many million other women dolet it clean your toilet bowl quickly, -and safely. The Hygienic Products Canton 2, Ohio. Sani-Flush QUICK EASY SANITARY SAFE FOR SEPTIC TANKS- -Don't scrub toilet bowls just because you fear trouble with your septic tank. Eminent research authorities have proven how easy and safe Sani-Flush is for toilet sanitation with septic tanks.
Write for free copy of their scientific report. The Hygienic Products Dept. 45, Canton 2, Ohio. BETTER BATTERY NO Minneapolis Morning Tribune "Scony" Melowsky, river nomad and Mississippi has kept the water at his sweethearts. is "the happiest man in the world," no shirt! Of course, says Scony, there was Ruby and just a tew months after his friendship with her started to bloom and become a joy, something happened.
Ruby slipped off the bank and fell into the river. It was many years until Pearl came along. Pearl, says Scony, loved to whistle. She could imitate birds. Scony told her there were lots of birds on the river.
They went out to see them. Pearl fell out of the boat into the river. Last year Scony decided that the jewels in his crown had A tendency to get wet so when he met a girl whose name was just Mary, he visualized a great life for them together on the river. But, says Scony, what do you supposed happened? Mary walked out on and fell off the dock into the river. Now Mary hates the water and she "ain't coming back no more." A HE'S A FREE MAN Don't feel sorry for Scony! He's a free man.
He just fishes and enjoys the river. In winter keeps his house boat docked and ventures forth in a row boat. He doesn't put the boat on land like other house boat owners. Scony that wouldn't be living the water. He just builds a dock over to shore and puts up a gate.
Then he puts extra cover on the floor and gathers coal for the stove that keeps his water home comfortable. In summer he takes down the gate and cruises A even though shore patrol regulations are somewhat restrictive. That fish are returning to WAters below the bridge is a source of great delight to Scony who says they were driven out when the river became impure before construction of the tan sewage disposal plant. Bass, pickerel and sunfish are back in large numbers, he says. Scony has two other friends.
Strange as it seems dogs like the river. Scony's best friend is a large yellow cat, Elanor. The second friend Scony has is Time magazine. He likes to keep formed. Any night you may see Scony's light burning.
When fog comes down on the river and rises ghost-like wraiths you may see light's yellow gleam. You know then that Scony and Elanor are there reading about the world and keeping up on what's happening. And all of it costs Scony about $50 a year. Yes! don't feel sorry for Scony! His step is elastic, his eyes are clear, complexion ruddy and laughter quick. He's healthy and a free man.
That's all you need, he says "just your health and your freedom." I INCOME TAX FEDERAL and STATE EXPERIENCED STAFF- WAITINGREASONABLE RATES--OPEN EVENINGS J. OYS CO. 2408 Penn Avenue N. AL 2000 BATTERY NO WIRES HO NO BATTERY Beltone GARMENT MONO-PAC UNIT WEAR IS ONE SMALL TO ALL YOU Worn in vest pocket or tucked in. side bra.
the weight of most hearing aids. NO MORE fuss and bother of being "wired for sound." See one Hear With One Today. Free Demonstration No Obligation SEND NOW FOR FREE BOOKLET! Please send me your FREE descriptive bonklet on the New Beltane Mono-pac Hearing Aid. NAME ADDRESS CITY Clarence D. Johnson Co.
307 Kresge Bldg. (7th Nicollet) Minneapolis BR. (354 LEE'S VILLAGE INN SERVING 4 TO 8 P.M. SUNDAYS 12 TO 8 P.M. MONDAYS Highland Village Shopping Center Ford Road and Cleveland Phone EM.
8928 (no toll) ECONOMY STYLE QUALITY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE! KINDY GLASSES Open Monday Evenings Till 9 802 NICOLLET OPTICAL InDY CO. TU. AM. KSTP 1500 WCCO WLOL WTCN WMIN 1FT 6:00 Sunrise Roundup Sunrisers Morn. News Nuts and Boltz Sunrise Serenade 6:15 Sunrise Roundup Farm Serv.
Rev. Morn. Moods Nuts and Boltz Sunrise Serenade 6:30 Farm Forum Sunrisers Morn. Worship Nuts and Boltz Sunrise Serenade 6:45 Sunrise Roundup Sunrisers Morn. Worship Nuts and Bolts Wake Up Live 7:00 Alex Dreier News of World Morn.
News Martin Agronsky News- Ed LeMar 7:15 Farm News Breakfast News World News Beauty Broadcast Sacred Heart 7:30 News-Melges Musical Chimes Melody Trail Happy Hank Anton Cedarholm 7:45 Clellan Card Musical Chimes Melody Trail John Ford Mus. Roundup 8:00 Clelian Card Musical Chimes Morn. News Breakfast Club News-K. Kyser 8:15 Clellan Card Musical Chimes Radio Star Club Breakfast Club Whoopee John 8:30 Clelian Card John Raleigh Radio Star Club Breakfast Club Ella Mae Morse 8:15 Victory Parade Judy Jane Psalm of Life Breakfast Club Gene Autry 9:00 News of World Valiant Lady My True Story News- B. Crosby 9:15 Lora Lawton Light of World Dick Jurgen Or.
My True Story So. Am. Way 9:30 Finders-Keepers Romance-Evelyn Shady Valley Sunny Side St. Musie Box 9:45 Finders Bachelor's Child. Shady Valley Listening Pest Music Box 10:00 Road of Life Amanda News-Gaeth Breakfast at News-1400 Club 10:15 Rosemary Second Husband Weather Roundup Sardi's Paul Barron Star Playhouse Bright Horizons Take It Easy Gl Martyn Dinning Sisters 10:45 David Harum Real Life Stores What's Y'r Idea? Jack Berch-Bors Call of Day 11:00 Consum.
Clinic Kate Smith News- Wm. Lang Glamour Manor News-L. Flashes 11:15 H'sehold Forum Big Sister Morton Downey Glamour Manor Spade Cooley 11:30 H'sehold Forum Helen Trent Telephone Quiz Around Town Spangled Action Florence Murphy Our Gal Sunday Benny Goodman 0. Around Town Comes the Band TUES. AFT.
KSTP WCCO-830 WLOL-1330 WTCN-1280 WMIN-1400 12:00 News-Karnstedt Life Is Beautiful Melody Cruise Baukage Talking News Review Main Street Ma Perkins News by Hoff The Vagabonds 1400 Club 12:30 News-Card Noontime News P. Stone-P. Brito Ethel Albert Harry James 12:45 Main Street The Goldbergs Am. Wom. Jury Bulletins King Sisters 1:00 Guiding Light Joyce Jordan News-Foster John Ford-News News-Scand.
1:15 Today's Children Two on Clue So. St. Paul Feminews Seand. Speaks 1:30 Wom. in White Perry Mason Never Too Old Ladies Be Seated Buddy Cole 1:45 Church Hymns Tena Tim Never Too Old Ladies Be Seated King's Jesters 2:00 Wom.
of Am. Mary Marlin News-Tel. Quiz Hit Tunes-Week News-Musie Hail 2:15 Ma Perkins Red Cross Prem. True Detective Yours Alone Music Hall Pepper Young School of Air 1 of 1,000 Pres. Hymns I'm Chapel Music Hall 2:45 Rt.
to Happiness School of Air Sammy Kaye Or. News Music Hall 3:00 Backstage Wife House Party News-Compton Views of News News-1400 Club 3:15 Stella Dallas House Party Hannah Strong Cooking with Gas Request. Yours 3:30 Lorenzo Jones Call'g All Women Telephone Quiz Stars in Music Request. Yours 3:45 Widow Brown Call'g All Women Handy Man Musicale Request. Yours 4:00 When Girl Mar.
This Is Missus Local News Salute to the News-Req. Yours 4:15 Por. Faces Life Danny O'Neill Melody Matinee Schools Request. Yours 4:30 Just Plain Bill Musicale Melody Matinee Comics Hollywood Brev. 4:45 Frt.
Pg. Farrell Feature Story Telephone Quiz Hop Harrigan Hollywood Brev. 5:00 World News Victory News Chick Carter Terry Pirates News-Memory 5:15 Musicale Edwin C. Hill Superman Dick Tracy Memory Lane 5:30 Horner's Corner News News Jack Armstrong Memory Lane 5:45 News-Henderson World Today-News Tom Mix Capt. Midnight Hearth Home TUES.
EVE. KSTP WCcO WLOL WICN WMIN 6:00 Supper Club J. Kirkwood Sh. Fulton Lewis. Jr.
Sammy Kaye News-Sports News of World Music Satisfies B. Crosby Rec. Serenade Stan Kenton 6:30 Jimmy Fidler Am. Mel. Hour Scand.
Melodies News- Jack Bell Andy Russell 6:45 H. V. Kaltenborn Am. Mel. Hour Seand.
Melodies Amanda Sings March to Vict. 7:00 Johnny Presents Big Town News-F. Singiser Ted Malone News-Shangri-la 7:15 Johnny Presents Big Town Musical Caravan Lum Abner Roundup Time 7:30 A Date with Theater of Roy Roger Show Allan Young Show Gene Krupa 7:45 Judy Romance Roy Roger Show Allan Young Show Paul Weston 8:00 Mystery Theater Inner Sanctum News-Heatter Norman Condon News-Music 8:15 Mystery Theater Inner Sanctum Real Stories Sings Magic of Musie 8:30 Fibber McGee This Is My Best Am. Forum Spotlight Band Magic Music 8:45 Molly This Is My Best Am. Forum Spotlight Band Magic Music of 9:00 Bob Hope to Front Am.
Forum Trans-Atlantic News Review 9:15 Bob Hope Serv. to Front Interlude Quiz Jack White 9:30 Hildegarde Congress Speaks Symphonette One Man's Family Sweet Hot 9:45 Hildegarde Pref. Melody M. Piastro One Man's Family Wrestling 10:00 News-Henderson Cedric Adams News R. G.
Swing Wrestling 10:15 Rich'd Harkness John Raleigh Stu Mann-Sports Rollie Johnson Pappy Trester 10:30 Everthing Friendly Time News- Honor Roll Mr. Mrs. Melody Swing Session 10:451 for the Boss Friendly Time Buddy Clark-Or. Silent Dance Time 11:00 Last Min. News News Lawrence Welk 0.
Freddie Martin O. News The Melodes RAT Shield 'Behind CBS" Lawrence Welk 0. Freddie Martin 0. Dance Time WDGY News Morn. Musicale Morning Morning Family Altar Farm.
Fair News Songs of West Ch. Sc. Prot. News Unity Viewpoint Back to Bible Back to Bible Newscast Morn. Bible Mr.
Music-Stocks Gospel Singer News Your Favorite Band Mixing Bowl Freddie Martin 0. Rudd's Music Rm. Poultry Hour Howdy, Folks WDGY-1130 News Min. Money Man Livestock Reports Farm B. Reports Slim Jim Slim Jim Stump Us Boys Carnival News Sally Delaney You Asked for 1t You Asked for It You Asked for It You Asked for It You Asked for It Canary Chorus News You Asked for It You Asked for It Between Lines Crosby Time Name the Tune Today's Music Dick Cellum WDGY News Suppertime Serenade Invit.
to Dance Faith-Fellowship Good News Prog. Good News Prog. Sign Off WLB. WCAL Silent Silent Morn. Musicale News of World Farm Salute Morn.
Musicale News-Music Morn. Musicale News-Music Homemakers Treas. Hymns Latin America Latin America Latin America News St. Olaf Chapel St. Olaf Chapel Our Church Dutch Program Homemakers Young Americana Campus News Macal.
Conroe. K. Mather WLB-WCAL 770 Future of Man News Farm Hour Farm Hour Invitation to Learning Your Novel Saw it Happen Mus, Moments News Background Afternoon Concert Wolf: Italienischer Lieder News Musicale Station Music of Masters Music of Masters Beyond Victory News Norwar and Contemp. Cult. Story Time List.
Leatherneck WLB. WCAL Sign Off RADIO PROGRAMS.